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The Importance of Heritage Retail

28 Feb 2023

Contributing up to as much as a quarter of museum and gallery revenue, gift shops can be crucial for the success of any visitor attraction.  But the contribution that they make to a venue isn’t purely an economic one.  These unique retail spaces go a step beyond the venue’s core experience and help to further educate visitors and build the attraction’s brand. 


Sharon Macdonald, director of the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage and professor of social anthropology at the Humboldt University of Berlin, comments that some visitors even begin with the shop in order to find out what is important to see in the museum - since the venue’s most important piece of art or attraction is usually the one most referenced in the gift shop.  Seeing a painting on a fridge magnet often denotes its significance!


This is Customworks' area of expertise.  Working with museums, galleries and visitor attractions to give prominence to their biggest draw – be that the new giraffes at Edinburgh Zoo, post-impressionist modern art at London’s National Gallery or celebrating Picasso 2023 at various venues across Madrid.  Unique products not only connect with the visitor experience, they act as a reminder of the visit and extend the impact of the event.


Call us today to talk to us about merchandising for your next event or refreshing your existing product range.


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